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Our School Uniform

Our uniform consists of:

  • Grey ‘school’ trousers or shorts – straight legged and tailored, not tight fitting
  • Grey skirt or tunic
  • White polo shirt or white shirt/blouse
  • Green sweatshirt or cardigan, preferably with the school logo, or any other suitable bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or black socks for trousers
  • White or grey socks or plain white, grey, green or black tights for skirts/dresses 
  • Sensible low heeled black ‘school’ shoes; black trainers are not acceptable
  • School jacket - for outdoor wear only (optional) If another type of coat is worn then it should be either dark green, black or blue. 
  • Green and white check summer dress, in a plain style suitable for school (optional)
  • Green ‘Smitham’ baseball caps can be worn at any time of the year, but will be particularly useful during the hot weather (optional). If another type of hat/cap is worn then it should be either dark green, black or blue. 

Our PE kit consists of:

  • An emerald green T-shirt
  • Plain black shorts
  • Black plimsolls for Infants; black plimsolls and basic trainers for Juniors
  • Green, blue or black tracksuit for outside PE in the colder months (only needed for children in Y1 - Y6)

Book Bags

For storage purposes, only the regulation school bag may be used:

  • Nursery, Reception and KS1 need a Duo Book Carrier
  • KS2 need to have the larger Primo Book Carrier

All children are expected to have school uniform, which can be purchased through our uniform suppliers, Mapac or Hewitts or Croydon, see below, or bought at any shop, providing the colour and style is in line with the school’s expectations regarding uniform.

All uniform can be purchased from either of our uniform suppliers 

- Mapac (Online only) 



Hewitts of Croydon (In Store and Online)

45 - 51 Church Street,

Contact No: 020 8680 4555



Children may come to school wearing a single pair of small stud earrings - no other jewellery is permitted. Children may wear a basic wrist watch (watches with cameras or those that sync with phones are not permitted).

Nail varnish, make-up or any type of tattoos (including the stick on variety) are not allowed.

Hair Styles

Hair styles must be simple and straightforward; shaved-in designs and colour hair dyes, etc. are not allowed.

Long hair must be tied back; hair bands and scrunchies should be small, green, white or black and should not have large flowers or ornaments attached to them.

2nd Hand Uniform

Donations of clean second-hand uniform can be handed in to the office. We offer parents the chance to purchase second hand uniform every half term. Tables are usually set out at the front of the school with an honesty box for a monetary donation. 

Spare uniform is also donated to another Croydon school.

Mapac Guide to Ordering & Delivery

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